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SonarWave Lite

Jul 05 2012 11:29

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Tekmap Consulting is planning a new release for Sonarwave Lite, and would like your input. Please take a moment to provide your suggestions for the upcoming release by completing the Feature Request Form.

If you are a regular user of Sonarwave Lite, join the announcement list to stay up to date with new releases and bug fixes.... Read More

Aug 30 2010 09:00

Bug Fixes

The latest release of SonarWave Lite includes a couple of bug fixes.

  1. If the XTF file only contained sub-bottom data it would load but not display the image data. This has been fixed in the new release.
  2. If the XTF file contained different range or sample values between pings the viewer would report an error and exit. This bug has been fixed in the new release.

Incremental File Loading

A new feature with SonarWave Lite includes the option to incrementally load an XTF file. This option has been added for computers that... Read More

Jun 29 2009 09:00

SonarWave LiteUsing SonarWave Lite, you can adjust the on-screen color table to enhance features and improve contrast in XTF sidescan files.

Color Tables

SonarWave Lite uses linear grey as the default color table. Other color tables available are blue and sepia. The user can change the color table at any time on an open XTF file. Any of the three color tables work with the gamma or equalization options described below.

Applying a Gamma... Read More

Jun 26 2009 10:30

SonarWave LiteSonarWave Lite has a toolbar located at the top of the Sidescan window. The toolbar provides buttons that let you move around, zoom in and out, and adjust the display color table of the XTF files.

SonarWave Lite

The button functions include (from left to right):

  • Four navigation buttons to move left, down, up, and... Read More
Jun 26 2009 09:30

SonarWave LiteWhen a file opens in SonarWave Lite, a summary of the XTF header information appears in the File Information window on the top left.

File Info

The XTF file information includes:

Jun 26 2009 08:30

SonarWave LiteThe SonarWave Lite software automatically scans and checks the selected XTF file for available data channels. If more than 2 channels (port and starboard sidescan) are detected, the user is prompted to select the channels to load.

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