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Multibeam Processing

Color Shaded BathymetryTekmap Consulting specializes in processing and mapping multibeam data. We offer over 20 years of experience with multibeam bathymetry and backscatter processing.

We support a wide variety of data formats, including those listed below. Also, Tekmap develops programs for "custom" data formats. So, if you have a data format not listed below, please contact us.

Supported Multibeam Systems
Simrad ELAC
Reson Sea Scan
Hydrosweep Furuno
Sea Beam HyPack
Generic Sensor Format (GSF) Extended Triton Format (XTF)

Tekmap Consulting develops mapping solutions tailored to your needs!

Multibeam Processing Services

Grey BackscatterColor Shaded BackscatterAt Tekmap, we offer a full range of multibeam processing services. This includes processing the raw survey data, map production, and custom map products, including 3-D visualization.

Our multibeam data cleaning and editing services include:

  • Navigation cleaning and editing.
  • Backscatter beam angle corrections.
  • Tidal and altitude corrections.
  • Attitude (roll, pitch, and heave) corrections.
  • Automatic filtering and manual editing.
  • Custom corrections to rescue problem data.

Final Products

Our multibeam data map products are described below.

Product Description
High resolution maps Provide gridded bathymetric, backscatter, and sidescan (seabed) maps.
Vector data Provide navigation as a vector file with survey associated metadata.
Data fusion Combine two or more data sets (for example draping sidescan over bathymetry).
Bathymetric cross-sections Provide on a single straight line or along a user defined path (for example mapping a pipeline route).
Sun illuminated bathymetry Produce a conventional grey scale map by illuminating bathymetry from a user defined sun azimuth, altitude, and vertical exaggeration.
Custom color tables Use standard and custom color tables designed to enhance specific features or targets.
3-D visualization Provide custom 3-D views, overlays with optional cutting planes.
3-D Fly Through's Provide high resolution fly-through animations from processed data.
Statistical analysis Do simple statistic extraction from data such as histograms, to more complex spatial analysis.
Multiple GIS Support Provide output GIS products in a wide variety of raster and vector formats.
Final map production Provide digital and hard-copy output of processed data.

To obtain an estimate or for more information on our Multibeam Processing Services, please contact us.

For examples of output products, please visit the Image Gallery and Movie Gallery.