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Reports Prepared by Tekmap Consulting

  • Black Point Dredged Material Disposal Site: Preliminary Estimate of Site Capacity
  • Kugluktuk, Nunavut Coastal Changes—1950 to 2008
  • Collaborative Shallow Water Mapping Using SHLS at Pointe Penouille, Baie de Gaspé
  • Mackenzie Delta Interferometric Sidescan Processing Report 2008 to 2010
  • Beaufort Shelf Multibeam Data Processing 2007 to 2009
  • Beaufort Shelf Multibeam Data Processing 2001 to 2007
  • Kugmallit Bay Gas VentsMultibeam Comparison 2001, 2004, and 2005
  • Fathom Five National Marine Park Multibeam Data Processing 2001 to 2007
  • Black Point Dredged Material Disposal Site Multibeam Data Analysis: 2003 to 2009
  • Geoscientific Mapping of the St. Lawrence Estuary—Multibeam Backscatter Processing
  • Acoustic Backscatter Interpolation—Burlington, Ontario Hamilton Harbour
  • Red River Education and Research Park Bathymetric Survey 2007 (SHLS)
  • Hamilton Harbour Backscatter Processing Summary 2002 and 2005

Movies and Documentaries Featuring Data Prepared by or Assisted by Tekmap Consulting

CBC Land and SeaSeason 2016, Episode 17. Tidal Power: "The latest efforts to harness tidal power in the Bay of Fundy".

Drain the Great Lakes "North America's Great Lakes are the largest system of freshwater on Earth, but what wonders would be revealed if all the water were suddenly to disappear from Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario?" Aired on the National Geographic Channel and the Discovery Channel.

Oceans in Motion Renowned ocean explorer Teddy Tucker is joined by Canadian Marine geologist Steve Blasco to scour Bermuda's depths for clues about its natural history. They investigate a remarkable discovery - a preserved sunken cedar forest 30 feet beneath the surface of the ocean. Flooded by rising seas thousands of years ago, the remnants of this ancient cedar forest could provide critical clues about sea level rise in the past - and in the future.

Geological Journey A groundbreaking five-part HDTV television documentary series - Geologic Journey - breathes relevance into ancient geology and traces the extraordinary history of our continent to show that the new world is in fact very, very old.

Daily Planet — Goes North Special (2008) A multi-part Daily Planet (Discovery Channel) special on the Canadian North. Features a section on ocean mapping and multibeam technology.

Publications List

The following is a list of publications that include Tekmap Consulting as an author or include referenced imagery or data created by Tekmap Consulting.

MacLean, B; Blasco, S; Bennett, R; Lakeman, T; Hughes-Clarke, J; Covill, R; Patton, E, Glacial ice streams in eastern Parry Channel and adjoining major inlets, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, ArcticNet 2013; Halifax, NS; CA; December 9-13, 2013

Blasco, S; Bennett, R; Brent, T; Burton, M; Campbell, P; Carr, E; Covill, R; Dallimore, S; Davies, E; Hughes-Clarke, J; Issler, D; Leonard, L; MacKillop, K; Mazzotti, S; Patton, E; Rogers, G; Shearer, J; White, M,  2010 state of knowledge: Beaufort Sea seabed geohazards associated with offshore hydrocarbon development, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6989, 2013; 340 pages

TM Iliffe, R Kvitek, S Blasco, K Blasco, R Covill, Search for Bermuda's deep water caves, Hydrobiolgia, Volume 667, Issue 1, November 2011, pp. 157-168

Doolittle, A. G. Bakelaar,  C. N., and Doka, S. E., Spatial Framework for Storage and Analyses of Fish Habitat Data in Great Lakes' Areas of Concern: Hamilton Harbour Geodatabase Case Study , Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2879, 2010, 81 pages.

Li. Michael Z. and King, Edward L., Multibeam bathymetric investigations of the morphology of sand ridges and associated bedforms and their relation to storm processes, Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf, Marine Geology, Volume 243, Issues 1-4, 6 September 2007, pp. 200-228

Solomon, S., Travaglini, P., Biggar, J., Monita, D., Williams, J., Covill, R., Seligman, B., and Whalen, D, Applications Of Seabed Mapping In Tuktoyaktuk Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada ,.34th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum , Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 21-23 November 2006. poster

Blasco, S.M., Tucker, E. B. Forbes, D.L., Covill, B., Harmes, R. A., and Bennett, J. R., A Eustatic Sea Level Curve for The Bermuda Seamount – A Reference Curve for East Coast Canada, Atlantic Geoscience Society 2005 Colloguium & General Meeting, 2005

Fox, W., Blasco, S.M., Promaine, A., Keeshig-Tobias, L., and Covill, B., Geoarchaeological Investigations of the Lakebed of Georgian Bay, Laurentide Great Lakes,  Atlantic Geoscience Society 2005 Colloguium & General Meeting, 2005

Solomon, Steven M., Spatial and temporal variability of shoreline change in the Beaufort-Mackenzie region, northwest territories, Canada, Geo-Marine Letters, Volume 25, Numbers 2-3,  2005, pp. 127-137

Forbes, Donald .L., Parkes, George S., Manson, Gavin K., and Ketch, Lorne A., Storms and shoreline retreat in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Marine Geology, Volume 210, Issues 1-4, 15 September 2004, pp. 169-204

Blasco, Steve M., Lewis, Michael C. F., Jacobi, Robert D., Covill, Robert A., Keyes, Darren, Armstrong, Derek, and Harmes, Robert A., Bedrock Pop-Ups Western Lakes Ontario, Eastern Lake Erie and Eastern Lake Huron: Evidence of Neotectonic Activity on the Lakebed of the Southern Great Lakes, Presentation no. 27-4 Northeastern Section – 38th Annual Meeting (March 27-29, 2003), The Geological Society of America

Blasco, SM, Travaglini, PG, Covill, B, 3-D Underwater Imaging: Application of Multibeam Sonar Technology to Lakebed Mapping in the Great Lakes, Proceedings of the 45th Conference on Great Lakes Research, 2002.

Covill, Robert, Lee Kenneth, and Josenhans, Heiner, Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter, Poster 2002 BIO Open House

Webster, Tim, Forbes, Donald L., Dickie, Steve, Covill, Robert A., and Parkes, George S., Coastal Impacts of Climatic Change and Sea-Level Rise on Prince Edward Island Supporting Document 8: Airborne imaging, digital elevation models and flood maps. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4261, 2002, 36 pages

Li, Michael, Beaver, M L D, King, N, Pledge, P., Multibeam Surveys of Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf: Report on Creed 2000-100, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4090, 2001, 65 pages

Forbes, D.L., Covill, R.A. and Travaglini, P., Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter analysis, Churchill Harbour and approaches, Manitoba coast, Hudson Bay. Unpublished contract report to Wardrop Engineering Inc., Winnipeg, and Hudson Bay Port Company, Churchill, 17 p. & 8 large-format digital maps, 1999.

Forbes, D.L., Sherin, A., Beaver, D., Frobel, D., and Covill, R., Cruise Report BIO 97093 & IML 98034C, NGCC/CCGS Frederick G. Creed, Multibeam bathymetric surveys, inner shelf off northern Prince Edward Island; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3816, 1999, 38 pages

Forbes, D.L., Solomon, S.M., Frobel, D., Goguen, M., Sherin, A.G., Parrott, R., and Covill, R., Bathymetry, bottom conditions, and tidal inlet stability, Rustico Bay and vicinity, Prince Edward Island; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3766, 1999, 38 pages

Taylor, R., Currie, R., Josenhans, H., MacGowan, B., Crépeau, A., and Covill, R., Louisbourg Harbour and approaches, Nova Scotia, October 4 to 10, 1996. Cruise Report C.S.L. Petrel 96-001; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3504, 1997, 43 pages

Covill, B., Forbes, D.L., Taylor, R.B., and Shaw, J., Photogrammetric analysis of coastal erosion and barrier migration near Chezzetcook Inlet, eastern Shore, Nova Scotia; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3027,.1 sheet (poster), 1995

Forbes, D.L., Covill, R.A., Feindel, R.D., and Batterson, M.J., Preliminary assessment of coastal erosion between Port au Port and Stephenville, St. George's Bay, West Newfoundland; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3082, 1995, 49 pages

Solomon, Steven, and Covill, Bob, Impact of the September, 1993 storm on the coastline at four sites along the Canadian Beaufort sea coast; Proceedings of the 1995 Canadian Coastal Conference Volume 2, 1995,  pp.779-795