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Tuktoyaktuk 1950 to 2000Tekmap Consulting uses custom algorithms and techniques to digitally rectify imagery. This includes rectification of aerial photographs, satellite imageries, maps, and charts.

We offer over 20 years of experience providing Digital Photogrammetric Services. The bulk of our work is providing historical analyses of changing coastlines. Examples of this work are referenced in our publication list.

Tekmap rectifies the imaImage rectifygery using available ground control data. We choose or eliminate ground control points (GCP) based on careful inspection of the Root Mean Square (RMS) errors. The RMS errors and the data type help determine the best rectification algorithm to use. We aim for the highest possible accuracy in the rectified imagery.

Final Products

A number of products from our Digital Photogrammetry Service are available.

Product Description
Historical Analyses Historical analyses of geographic features such as shorelines.
Feature Digitization Digitization of physical features.
Feature Measurement Measurements of geographical feature changes over time.
Digital Mosaics Rectified imageries patched together into a single mosaic.
Data Fusion Fusion of rectified imagery with other data such as bathymetry or sidescan.

To obtain an estimate or for more information on our Digital Photogrammetric Services, please contact us.